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Fassi F1250R-HXP 

We present the Fassi F1250R-HXP knuckle boom crane to the Movicarga awards in the articulated hydraulic crane category, with a lifting capacity of 99.10 mt and a maximum horizontal hydraulic reach of 35 m (with jib).  


All the innovations introduced with the new TECHNO range are concentrated in this Fassi F1250R-HXP TECHNO. To the digital control system, the new screen interface, the stability control, the decagonal design of the secondary arm and the extendable arms, and the innovative dynamic elevation control, is added the possibility of having up to nine telescopic extensions in this model .




This new model has all the innovations starting with the electronic "core" constituted by the FX990 control unit, which has made it possible to increase the dynamic control of the working speed thanks to the processing system that better manages the use of the work areas in favor of lifting capacity. Likewise, the new design of the group of extendable arms improves the effectiveness of vertical activity, and the hydraulic circuit, with double feeding, increases the travel speed. The advanced digital control system, the new on-screen interface, the possibility of controlling the stabilizers by radio control and the new configuration further optimize performance. Finally, the folding pulley system on the winch, the possibility of combining the Fassi L61 jib and the optimal weight/power ratio complete the strengths of this revolutionary crane.  



                                                                                                                 Fassi F1250 HXP



Added to this is the structural design of the F1250R, which uses UHSS (ultra high strength) steels combined with the particular decagonal section. Compared to previous models of the same category and with the same weight of the secondary unit, an increase in vertical performance of more than 50% has been obtained. Likewise, to improve lifting performance, a new kinematics has been developed with a double jack on the main arm and a rotation unit in an unprecedented ring gear with a double gear motor.


An absolute novelty introduced with the F1250R-HXP TECHNO model is the version with nine telescopic extensions, a number never before achieved that allows obtaining, with the L616 hydraulic extension, a horizontal reach of up to 34.8 m and a vertical reach of up to 39.4 m , which, with the addition of three telescopic extensions, allows you to reach 40.24 m horizontally and 44.85 m vertically. With the crane folded in the rest position, the geometry of the arms makes it possible to take advantage of a customizable space under the truck bed, and the folding pulleys of the crane with winch are also very practical, always in the rest position.  



                                                                                                                          Nueva grúa hidráulica Fassi F1250R-HXP Techno



There are also many new features in the software application, which materialize in new functions. Among them is the FSC-TECHNO stability control system, born from the fusion of the features of the FSC-H and FSC-SII systems. In relation to the issue of stability, it is also worth highlighting the stabilization control system, through radio control, which provides two operating modes: with one or double lever.






Fassi F1250R.2.9-HXP TECHNO
• load capacity: 99,10 tm
• horizontal hydraulic outreach: m 35 (con jib)
• class: HC1 HD5/S2


Electronic/hydraulic equipment:


FX990 electronic moment limiter

• D900 digital proportional distributor

• V7S radio control unit

• control of IMC and ADC dynamics

• flow sharing

• XF system

• version with 9 telescopic extensions available

• JIB with 6 extensions

• dynamic version (.2) with connecting rod

• automatic XP device

• ProLink system

• continuous 360° rotation