

Logotipo Transgruas
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    Monday to Friday from 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h

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    Monday to Friday from 17 to 21 h

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    Schedule of attention: 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h, monday to friday.

  • Fassi F820RA.2.28 crane with a truck tug
  • Fassi F820RA.2.28 crane with a truck tug
  • Fassi F820RA.2.28 crane with a truck tug

February 9, 2022


Truck equipped with a tow truck and tow truck for the rescue and transfer of large accidented vehicles on the road


We have recently mounted this 78.49 tm Fassi crane with continuous rotation, 8 hydraulic extensions + 2 manual extensions, Scanreco radio control, double hydraulic circuit, stabilizers extendable to 8.29 meters, and hydraulic rotators at 180º + front stabilizers in cabona, limiter FX900 electronic, prolink, ADC, XP, XF, Danfoss D900 distributor, FX901 display, oil cooler, variable flow valve, automatic crane folding device (ACF). The crane has a hydraulic reach of 20.45 m, with manual extensions up to 25 m.
The vehicle has been equipped with a special body to tow heavy vehicles. With this unit, Grúas y Desguaces Lopez expands its roadside assistance and rescue service, a task that it has carried out since 1982 with great professionalism.
We appreciate the renewed confidence of Grúas López in Transgrúas and Fassi.