
Logotipo Transgruas
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    Monday to Friday from 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h

    Technical emergencies

    Monday to Friday from 17 to 21 h

    Saturdays 10 to 20 h

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    Schedule of attention: 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h, monday to friday.

  • ANAPAT 2022
  • ANAPAT 2022
  • ANAPAT 2022
  • ANAPAT 2022

    + 1

  • ANAPAT 2022

May 24, 2022


Our Commercial Director and our Marketing Director went to Toledo on May 19th and 20th.


As we already told you in April, Transgruas sponsored the ANAPAT, Asociación Nacional de Alquiladores de Plataformas Áereas de trabajo convention and Ian & Karen Trenzano attended last week together with our Multitel Pagliero aerial platforms suppliers. The convention gathered more than 100 members and more than 80 sponsors. The convention was really expected after two years, and with all the thrill and energy we could enjoy talking in person with all them.


During the convention we could see that the aerial platform sector is living a positive moment, with the desire and initiative for the future, always being prudent. After our talk with the members, we have been able to see that there is really a wish for new projects, but also we have noticed that there is a delivery period problem, among others, makes it difficult to renew the fleets. Is this the reason why we, seeing this problem comming far away, we came ahead of time and we made a delivery programming for a monthly schedule deliveries in order to cover this imperative need of our clients. 


During the second day of the convention, we could enjoy three marvellous presentations, which talked about the team work for a prosperous future of the Assosiation. 


- Situation of the construction sector, by Mariano Sanz, general secretary of the 

- The change hidden weapons, by José Luis Abajo Pirri - OLY, Pekin JJOO (2008)

- Economical perspectives in a great uncertainty moment, by Miguel Sebastian, Industry minister, BUsiness and Turism from 2008 to 2011


We only have to congratulate ANAPAT for an excelent organization, at the same time we are really glad to collaborate with our part to make this convention possible each year. We await very excited for the following edition!!



Logotipo Transgruas
+34 938 498 388

+34 670 244 167 (Technical emergencies)

Monday-Friday 18 to 21 h. Saturday 8 to 20 h.

The strength of a company with 45 years of experience and the commitment of a family company that works for specialists in more than 10 sectors related to cranes, lifting, transport and biomass machin