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  • Radiomando sobre varillas
  • Radiomando sobre distribuidor

November 4, 2022


We talk you about the different combinations and possibilities.


Our spare parts department offers remote controlS both on distributor and on bars: two possible options for covering all our client's needs.


On one hand, the remote controls on distributor can be of 6 and 8 functions. These are available for Danfoss, Olsbergs, Hawe, Parker P70 or Nordraulic RSQ 240.  




        Radiomando con distribuidor      Distribuidor Danfoss 6 fun.



On the other hand, there is the option of an hydraulic bloc remote control, also called on bars. These can be of 4, 5 or 6 functions. We would like to highlight that all our hydraulic blocs are compound of: hydraulic bloc, mini oil filter and 70lt. valve.




                                        Radiomando sobre varillas    




Last, as we can see onthe picture, all the remote kits are compounds with keypad, receiver, 2 batteries, 1 baterry charger, 1 neck belt and 1 maniouver cable. 



Two options for two different needs, so What do you need?




   Tel: +34 697 43 73 36 //