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  • New Fassi F1250R-HXP Techno knuckle boom crane
  • New Fassi F1250R-HXP Techno knuckle boom crane
  • New Fassi F1250R-HXP Techno knuckle boom crane
  • New Fassi F1250R-HXP Techno knuckle boom crane

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  • New Fassi F1250R-HXP Techno knuckle boom crane

October 30, 2023


The Techno family continues to grow.


On last GIS fair edition which took place on the beginning of this month in Piacenza, we could enjoy the presentation of this new crane: the F1250R-HXP Techno. All the iinovations introduced in the new Techno range are found in this new knuckle boom crane model: the digital system, the new screen interface, the stability control, the decagonal design, the dinamyc control...but in addition, as a great novelty, it hs the possibility of getting up to 9 telescopic extensions.



The lifting capacity of this crane is 99.10tm and its horizontal maximum hydraulic outreach id 35m. (with jib). Its structural design uses UHSS steels (ultra hight resistance), which combined with the decagonal section, ensures a higher mechanical performance. 


If we do compare this new model with the previos ones of the same range and secondary unit weight, it has been achieved an increase on the vertical performance supperior to the 50%.


But we want to highlight the novelty introduced in the Fassi F1250R-HXP knuckle boom crane Fassi F1250R-HXP and this is the nine telescopic extensions version, that allows an horizontal oureach of 40.24m. and 44.85 vertical (with the adition of 3 manual extensions)


An incredible new model, which we are sure is going to shake the market and the Techno family up. We are thrilled to get the first unit!!