

Logotipo Transgruas
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    Chat we us

    We are here to serve you.

    We will assist you in person and comfortably through the Internet from 9.30h to 14h and from 15h to 18h.

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    Call us


    Monday to Friday from 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h

    Technical emergencies

    Monday to Friday from 17 to 21 h

    Saturdays 10 to 20 h

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    Do you prefer that we call you?

    Leave us your phone number and we will contact you to help you with whatever you need.

    Schedule of attention: 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h, monday to friday.

  • EVE technology from Multitel Pagliero
  • EVE technology from Multitel Pagliero
  • EVE technology from Multitel Pagliero
  • EVE technology from Multitel Pagliero

    + 1

  • EVE technology from Multitel Pagliero

November 18, 2022


A Multitel own technology which offers solutions and advantages to all its models.  


The Multitel Pagliero technologies brings us novelties: EVE is here, a technology from Multitel that can be applied, in different levels, to all the aerial platforms models. 


On truck mounted aerial platforms, the operators must be able to work at height, in a safe way and with a complete control of the platform movements in oder to place it in the best position on the working area. In addition, a correct stabilization must also be assured. All these, among much other aspects, is offered by EVE. 


1- Estabilization and automatic stowage.


2- Simultaneous proportional movements and smooth levelling while ascending to a height.


3- MUSA and MUSA X systems: outreach calculation and limitation. 



We will soon talk you in details about these innovations.