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    Schedule of attention: 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h, monday to friday.

  • Fassi F135A.2.22 crane delivery to Prensagra
  • Fassi F135A.2.22 crane delivery to Prensagra
  • Fassi F135A.2.22 crane delivery to Prensagra

May 16, 2022


Our workshop from Madrid does this assimbling for Prensagra


Prensagra is a construction material company located in Toledo. It is a family company, created in 1998. It has a wide experience in the sector which makes it a specialist in the prefabricated making: concrete blocks, cobbes, floors, ...


They needed a knuckle boom crane for their services and Jorge, our salesman, offered them the best solution: a Fassi F135.A.2.22 crane. A light and powerful model, with a 6 functions Scanreco mini remote control, stability control, hydraulic extendible stabilizers to 4.950mm and XF system. 


This rear assembling optimizes the loading for Prensagra, who gets the best performance and continues to offer the best service to its clients.