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  • Fassi F365A.2.28 delivery
  • Fassi F365A.2.28 delivery
  • Fassi F365A.2.28 delivery

February 3, 2023


The Valencian company trusts once more in Transgrúas.


In this occasion, the construction materials company knows very well what Fassi brand has to offer, and together with Adrian commercial advice, they chosea heavy range model, the F365A.2.28.


A complete model with 8 hydraulic extensions and 1 manual, V20 winch, cabine colision control (CCD), Internet of Cranes (IoC) and FSC SII stability control (which makes it possible to work at four different sectors depending on the stabilizers opening).


We are really happy to have already images of the crane in action. We wish many work to this last Rodríguez Almendros' acquisition.