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    Monday to Friday from 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h

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    Monday to Friday from 17 to 21 h

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    Schedule of attention: 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h, monday to friday.

  • Fassi F485RA knuckle boom crane delivery
  • Fassi F485RA knuckle boom crane delivery
  • Fassi F485RA knuckle boom crane delivery
  • Fassi F485RA knuckle boom crane delivery

September 18, 2024


New delivery of a used Fassi F485RA.2.24 to Electrogrup Generadores y Grúas Miralles, S.L.


We are pleased to announce the recent delivery of a Fassi articulated hydraulic crane model F485RA.2.24 to the Valencian company Electrogrup Generadores y Grúas Miralles, S.L., carried out by our salesperson Adrián Quílez. This is the third Fassi unit that we delivered to our friends at Electrogrup, who have once again trusted Transgrúas and the Fassi brand to continue equipping their company and carry out their daily tasks of renting generator sets.  


The F485RA.2.24 articulated hydraulic crane of our used cranes stockland has a series of technical features that guarantee maximum efficiency and safety at work:  


  • Continuous rotation.
  • 4 hydraulic extensions.
  • Scanreco radio control with 6 functions.
  • Hydraulic rotating hydraulic extendable stabilizers.
  • FSC stability control system.
  • D850 distributor with 4 functions.

With this new delivery, we strengthen our relationship with Electrogrup Generadores y Grúas Miralles, S.L., who continue to trust us and the solutions we offer for their demanding machinery rental operations.