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  • Rasecar delivers a Fassi F545RA.2.26
  • Rasecar delivers a Fassi F545RA.2.26
  • Rasecar delivers a Fassi F545RA.2.26

June 13, 2022


Our representative Rasecar delivers this Fassi heavy range unit. 


Transportes y Grúas Roldán has acquired from Rasecar Grúas y Carrocerías a complete equipment with a heavy range Fassi crane: with jib and personnel basket. A great job of our representative, with which the final client is really happy.


Transportes y Grúas Roldán was founded on 1963. It offers a variety of services such as transport and special transport, truck mounted crane service, public works,...In order to offer the best services they bay the best equipments. In this occasion they chose a Fassi F545RA.2.26 knuckle boom crane, with L426 jib and En280 personnel basket. In addition, this model has the FSC SII, the most advanced Fassi stability control, and rear stability control as well (controlled from the remote control). It also has V20 winch, with automatic control (for the crane and the jib).


One more unit fot the client, who values the great job, the quality equipments and the security on its job places. Thanks for trusting the brand!


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