

Logotipo Transgruas
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    We are here to serve you.

    We will assist you in person and comfortably through the Internet from 9.30h to 14h and from 15h to 18h.

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    Monday to Friday from 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h

    Technical emergencies

    Monday to Friday from 17 to 21 h

    Saturdays 10 to 20 h

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    Schedule of attention: 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h, monday to friday.

  • 2024 Anagrual General Convention
  • 2024 Anagrual General Convention
  • 2024 Anagrual General Convention
  • 2024 Anagrual General Convention

    + 3

  • 2024 Anagrual General Convention
  • 2024 Anagrual General Convention
  • 2024 Anagrual General Convention

May 9, 2024


The sector is experiencing a great moment, and the Convention reflexes it. 



Last Friday 3rd took place in Palma de Mallorca, for first time in 45 years, the General ANAGRUAL Convention (Agrupación Empresarial Nacional de Alquiladores de Grúas de Servicio Público). It was a meeting with more than 150 professionals from the sector, and where our Commercial Director Ian Trenzano and our product responsible Carlos de la Fuente went as Transgruas representatives (as Golden sponsor)


As usual, a really good event organization made by ANAGRUAL. This 2024has began full of work for all the knuckle boom cranes rental companies, who have bigger perspectives for the rest of the year. We had a really positive atmosphere during all the Convention, where the different activities of the Association: industrial activities regualtion, labor relations, trainning, movility and security and health at work. 


We want to hightlight the renewal of José Manuel García Suárez as president, who will be in charge for 4 more years, with one of his comments on the Convention: "At Anagrual we will continue working tirelessly to continually develop new projects that benefit the sector". 


Two of the great challenges of the sector are the personnel scarcity and the security improve on the works, both aspects that Transgrúas have in mind and in which we have been working long ago: on one hand enhancing the assembling processes and offering every day more technologically advanced equipments, with innovative security systems (we have the new Fassi Techno range as an example, from which our Comercial Director did a presentation during the Convention). And on the other hand we have bet for trainning with collaboration agreements with different entities and schools in order to ensure a great and long future for the sector. 


Without any doubt, a great event from which we got really good and promissing feelings.

Logotipo Transgruas
+34 938 498 388

+34 670 244 167 (Technical emergencies)

Monday-Friday 18 to 21 h. Saturday 8 to 20 h.

The strength of a company with 45 years of experience and the commitment of a family company that works for specialists in more than 10 sectors related to cranes, lifting, transport and biomass machin