

Logotipo Transgruas
Contact Contact
How can we help? How can we help?
  • 01
    Chat we us

    We are here to serve you.

    We will assist you in person and comfortably through the Internet from 9.30h to 14h and from 15h to 18h.

  • 02
    Call us


    Monday to Friday from 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h

    Technical emergencies

    Monday to Friday from 17 to 21 h

    Saturdays 10 to 20 h

  • 03
    Do you prefer that we call you?

    Leave us your phone number and we will contact you to help you with whatever you need.

    Schedule of attention: 8.30 - 14h / 15h – 18h, monday to friday.

  • Transgruas' representatives and facilities
  • Transgrúas facilities

June 19, 2024


Our 4 delegations and our 36 representatives offer the best service. 


Offer a comprehensive service which covers all our client's needs is one of our priorities, and for doing so we do have 4 delegations located in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia and Vitoria and also 36 representatives distributed all around the Spanish territory.


Our services includes commercial advice, engineering department, assembling and repair workshops or after sales department. A wide offer that is reinforced with all our representative net.


Take a look to your nearest delegation or representative here.


Logotipo Transgruas
+34 938 498 388

+34 670 244 167 (Technical emergencies)

Monday-Friday 18 to 21 h. Saturday 8 to 20 h.

The strength of a company with 45 years of experience and the commitment of a family company that works for specialists in more than 10 sectors related to cranes, lifting, transport and biomass machin