

Logotipo Transgruas
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  • Fassi F425RA knuckle boom crane delivery
  • Fassi F425RA knuckle boom crane delivery
  • Fassi F425RA knuckle boom crane delivery
  • Fassi F425RA knuckle boom crane delivery

May 28, 2024


The crane has 6 hydraulic extensions, L214 jib with one manual, FSC SII stability control and IoC system.


Construction is the central activity of this company located in Ainsa: S. Pueyo Ferrer has been offering their best services of construction and excavation, transport and truck mounted cranes, machinery rental and natural stones quarry. Great quality services which will now be increased with the acquisition of this Fassi F425RA.2.26 knuckle boom crane. 


An equipment configurated by our product specialist Carlos de la Fuente, which will offer the best performance and will elevate our client's services withour any doubt: the Fassi truck mounted crane has 6 hydraulic extensions, L214 jib with one manual, FSC SII stability control, V20 winch, two hydraulic functions until the top of the crane and D900 distributor. All these in a sandwich type assembling, designed by our engineering department and done by our assembling team with the latest technology. 


Logotipo Transgruas
+34 938 498 388

+34 670 244 167 (Technical emergencies)

Monday-Friday 18 to 21 h. Saturday 8 to 20 h.

The strength of a company with 45 years of experience and the commitment of a family company that works for specialists in more than 10 sectors related to cranes, lifting, transport and biomass machin