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  • Fassi F185A.1.25 Knuckle boom crane
  • Fassi F185A.1.25 Knuckle boom crane
  • Fassi F185A.1.25 Knuckle boom crane

July 12, 2024


After a great commercial advice, Talleres Teijo did the assembly and delivery of this truck mounted crane to a construction materials company.



In Transgrúas Cial SL, we are proud to announce the delivery of a Fassi F185A.1.25 knuckle boom crane by Talleres Teijo to one of their clients, an important construction materials company from A Coruña. This operation has been a success of our representative of the area, who realized from the commercial advice to the assembly and final delivery of the knuckle boom crane. 



Personalized commercial advice


Talleres Teijo has worked closely with the client in order to understand their needs and offer the best solution for their material transport operations. Thanks to their experience, sector and product knowledge, they have been able to offer a personalized advice, ensuring the Fassi F185A.1.25 to be the perfect product to the Galician materials transport company. 



Assembling and delivery


The crane assembly has been done in Talleres Teijo facilities, where the specialists technicians have realized all the process with the highest quality standards. The delivery has been done in a punctual and efficient way. 


Fassi F185A.1.25 knuckle boom crane characteristics


The Fassi F185A.1.25 is a last generation truck mounted crane, known for its robustness, versatility and efficiency. Its main characteristics are: 


  • Load capacity: 18,6tn/m. 
  • Advanced technology: Equipped with last generation control systems for a safe and precise operation, an Scanreco remote control and FSC stability control. 
  • Compact design: Perfect for maneuvers in reduced areas, without losing load capacity.


Commitment with our clients


In Transgrúas Cial SL, we work for offer the best solutions which make our client's operation optimal. This delivery is an example of our commitment with excellence and client satisfaction. We are grateful to the material construction company as well as to Talleres Teijo for the trust and the well done job. 


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Logotipo Transgruas
+34 938 498 388

+34 670 244 167 (Technical emergencies)

Monday-Friday 18 to 21 h. Saturday 8 to 20 h.

The strength of a company with 45 years of experience and the commitment of a family company that works for specialists in more than 10 sectors related to cranes, lifting, transport and biomass machin